Photo by Jeff Sirkin


earth says

you keep whispering extinction

like it’s some dirty word.

that surface basalt leak,

those luscious lava pores,

a little acidified ocean blood,

you gasping for oxygen.

i crave it all. divine me an ice age.

gamma ray my make-up.

i like my luminous space.

give me that sulfide mouth.

the whole of me is volcanic,

why wouldn’t i erupt?

you think some crater will

knock me out? that’s nothing

but a sore. i’ve been here

before. nothing more

i appreciate than survival.

you think a few thousand years

means you’re gods. no—

you’re a blink of my eyes.

if you don’t make it,

you were never meant to.



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*** ** ***


phase one

sulfur mouth emission. slung boulders,

pitching machine and methane

and the hot residue of volcanic activity.

fissure and flow. molten sheets stacked.

carbon dioxide belched from

a bloodstream heat.

an unbridled desire for change. a flood

basalt firework, gas stained sky, acidic sea,

a factory reset.

in all our predestined worrying— we see it happening

and wonder if we can swim in lava.



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*** ** ***


trans zombie film

it goes like this                                                                                             every time:

common cold                                                  / blood sneeze

viral anxiety                                                                                   / organ plaster /

a parade                                                                                                           of intestines

public panic                                      and slaughterhouse /

soldiers aiming at                                        civilians

/ the Humvee                                   over-                                                                 turned /

bullets                 unspooling                                                                       brains

/ skulls                                                of mulch /         a family

escapes the hysteria                                                                   / countryside

abandoned home /                                                                       another

near escape /                    biochemical

trepidation        /                                                                             bleach kissed

bite wound                        / mall bathroom

/ rib cage dress /                                             leaving

the friend                           or mother                                                                                                      or brother

behind              / chained to the stall /

everybody                                         saying                  the person

they knew                          /             no                          longer                 exists



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*** ** ***


an analogy: a burning world

you want to say the world is burning.

easy. that gets people motivated.

it passes the eye-test. sniff test,

crackle birch hearing aid.

heat palm / heat palm. an image

people can swallow: soot the roof

of their mouth with. damage

their trachea with, really feel it

in their esophagus. but

the thing about fire is: it gives in eventually.

soak suppressant, oxygen cut-off,

tucked under a damp towel, forgotten.

so never mind,

it’s the perfect analogy.



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*** ** ***


samara fruit

fell asleep under a silver

maple. body a curled finger.

awoken, in the

iridescent blinking of


by the papery

wings of a

samara fruit

tumbling down my nose.

helicopter landed

in my lap.              dreary,

i pinch it by the seam,

bulbous ovary

between my fingers

before tossing it

into the air.

how the wind                   takes

it, an impulsive flutter,

then it ballets

to the ground like

it would have

before i

impeded its path.



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*** ** ***


farewell to the boy i was

like a lost insect

found in the basement

saved by the hand.

palm as its engine

to the outside.

set on the tall grass.

the sky overhead

pulsing and clear.


be free.



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luna rey hall

luna rey hall
is a queer trans non-binary writer. they are the author of space neon neon space (Variant Lit, 2022), no matter the diagnosis (Game Over Books, 2023), the patient routine (Brigids Gate Press, 2023), and loudest when startled (YesYes Books, 2020), longlisted for the 2020 Julie Suk Award.




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