Tag Archives: Conduit



Photo by Jeff Sirkin










symmetry is change without change          a door leads infinitely in

and out, through itself                  how Maxwell’s equations solve Maxwell’s equations

I sleep in a bed that isn’t mine                  you find a door beneath it


behind the door                there is a corridor of doors

a helix of wavelight         transforming itself into itself

the more you press on the door the less you can see it                 press harder


I’ve slept suspended above a door          several nights without notice

the door is a blade and I am blindfolded              I open the door to find another door

the doors are honeycomb          thresholds crossing thresholds                 already crossed



where you’ve placed your hands                 fold my body

along a median : the center of the sagittal plane                 pull heaven closer to heaven

turn the door inside out                 so the field opens infinite


with a small keyhole of dark        I lose apostrophe

addressing you                  presence through absence : ribbon + knot

I’m asymmetrical            press your face to mine                open a door that isn’t a door


we stand shoulder to shoulder                  peering through windows

origin : destination         time : distance                   cosmos : eye

particle : wave                  I fall out                to fall in again



I do not want you : I only want you         inside /and out //impossible /locations













if I turn you and there’s nothing left         fall through : fall through



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everything is intended for distribution                  memory is a short-term reality

did such-and-such happen          I tell you to remind me                  so I’ll believe

what I’ve experienced                     I tell you what I tell no one else                   I tell you secrets


I watch the clouds bend space                   the windows are open                   fire flows through

gallery after gallery          empires, coins, charms, talismans

tender is the leather        or dreams for the future


cut salt                  the desiccated labor        earth speaking to us : do you abuse me

I take heart          I accept the heart with gratitude

we press our hands together                      we encounter a timeless form



pepper spray or fear        crushed eggshells : powdered sleep        some tunnel

dug by hand        ecstatic land        river ghost         yarn archive

how shoulders (disposition)        how shoulders (angle bearing)


the possibility of this slow dance              is nested inside

do you remember that Mazzy Star record              so dirty + drowsy

there’s a mesa on the horizon                    I can’t keep sight of


the raw + vulnerable infrastructure        performs softer, more tender

modes of masculinity                    lightbulbs, cages, chains, and hardware

we’ve passed through the underworld                  perhaps we’re still there



sound installation            earth + fire        circle the daymoon        astronaut flower

because it’s dark               because two screens have been placed on a hinge

I cry in the art gallery                     bending inward                altering speeds


do you feel like you have to hide yourself            do you feel like you have to be someone else

I say your name to a stranger                     she cleanses her hands in oil                     she breathes in

she says you’ll carry your own knots                       and I see the knots before me in the placement of the wands


interlaced fingers            white roses        trellised

you won’t open your hands        I tell you this

but I can’t relay                how I’m held captive



I’m unsure how much time has passed                 I open the door













it’s a paper heart               how I open for you



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so specific, the dust        how does one make the void felt

I clasp my hands behind my back            because it opens my heart

a woman strips nude and wades into the river                  as I cross the bridge


plank by plank                  I don’t look at her            don’t call it mercy

hold flowers against your body                  describe the hands of someone you love

lace plaster + rebar          the cupped palms of my breasts


and reinforced                    and given up                    in diffuse panes + infinite knots

if a cycle is an occurrence or a series of occurrences wherein events or phenomena repeat themselves

in the same order or at the same intervals            then cycles exist in many forms



tree rings                mycelia                the room you invite me into

cloth on the wind            pulled into cloud            or time is relentless

turn as you’re taught      open your eyes and look down


your organs are showing              crack the wishbone

threaded rods + patches of mortar          the compression of individual agency

and the myriad ways we’re surveilled                      how we learn our bodies don’t belong to us


as teenagers my cousins traded sex for cigarettes              GPCs–shitsticks, not even Marbs

extended laughter, foil chewing gum wrappers, hairspray-encrusted curling irons

illustration of an exposed nerve + several skulls             how to unknit a garment



while you’re still wearing it          what defines water

the vessel splits open     blood accumulates

the tumors begin to flower, to scope outward                    irradiate


his raw throat                    his flayed skin

his swollen tongue          the insects + the highway’s wracked hum

please don’t speak           I’m begging you not to speak


let’s wash our hands      my love is a debt

my love is an expenditure           I give + give

and the crossroads           and the milkweed pods                 split bitter



there are ways to measure time                 clouds of plastic













and burning forests        and pliers for pulling teeth



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the way you eat fabric eat beauty             is it the same bending inward is it

the same willow as my own        let me become fog          sutured hollow

while you drape me        like bone              bordering violet               germination


braided/bedded down                   to begin to          search for undivided light

to weep at the sight        dreaming blood                 budding + greening        reading lungs

open your heart               have mercy on me


I’m trying not to tell you already              the shape of how             you’re pouring

you’re not here                 so why am I speaking                    as if you are

I’m trying to wait            while I feel a gathering also        inside the reservoir



of your chest     the way lungs    fill

is it fractal          is it pleura           is it plural

turn to drawn trees         draw close to me             we’re at the threshold


preparation : entering                    moving in : being in the center                                 moving out : taking leave

walk outside now shut the door and be there                    inside the world

I sit beside you before you know before you disclose                    that you feel perhaps we’ve met before


your shirt looks soft to the touch I’ll hold it here at the hem     the room is dim and warm I’ve arrived late

but only slightly                my brother my friend wait for me save a place for me                  outside the wind blows

snow across the street the snow is a fine powder             shimmering what time is it time slips into place it’s



night the hours                 unfold as hours are meant my brother names humors names bile you walk       a line

your friend pulls a silver harmonica from a case of silver harmonicas                   he holds it in his palm and

draws it upward to his mouth                    time slips into place we move tables so my friend can hear we move


tables and I am cold I sit beside her she shows me silver earrings, matchless                     from Iceland

$175 a piece I tell her to buy them for herself risk is a moment                we rest on the precipice of risk is a

moment upon whose precipice we rest                it’s held breath it’s gazing across a room knowing you’ll place


one foot before another              knowing where you’ll arrive it’s gazing across a wire we risk disclosure soft

to the touch a fine powder it shimmers this is a process of receptivity the labyrinth       can make one’s life

transparent slowly slowly says the dream I want to walk inside it            so open



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Danika Stegeman’s
second book, Ablation, was released by 11:11 Press on November 1st, 2023. Her first book, Pilot (2020), was published by Spork Press. She’s a 2023 recipient of a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. She’s an assistant editor for Conduit and does light bookkeeping for Fonograf Editions. Along with Jace Brittain, she co-curates the virtual collaborative reading series It’s Copperhead Season. Her website is danikastegeman.com.


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